Monday, March 27, 2023


  Book talk at Ganpat Parsekar College

Department of Library of Ganpat Parsekar College of Education Harmal Goa organised a book talk on the book title “Bharat Maza Desh Ahe" written by Mr Pramod Ganpule, the programme began with a floral welcome to the speaker Mr Milind Ganpule and  Principal  Shri. Udesh Natekar by the Librarian Mr. Pramod Kerkar.
Principal Mr Udeh Natekar welcomed the guest and congratulate the library committee for organising such a book talk for the students he emphasised that such talks are important to know the different books without reading he also urges students to develop their reading habits to acquire knowledge.
The speaker Mr Milind Ganpule, a teacher of Government High School Dadachiwadi, Dhargal highlighted the importance of the Indian pledge and why to take the oath. Meaning of the oath and spoken detailed about the book he also stresses why the author has written on this topic and the need of writing a such book. the programme compared and introduction of guests done by miss Rahi Padloskar and Miss Pallavi Ghadi proposed a vote of thanks.    
  this talk was attended by the students as well as teachers

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